Dear Roanoke River Partners,
We wanted to share some pics from a warm but wet paddle last May. It started to rain as we headed out on a Friday afternoon from Windsor and paddled down the Cashie River to spend our first night at Lost Boat platform. Paddling in the rain may not be for everybody, but as we dismissed our visions of a sunny day, we found ourselves enjoying the wonderful solitude, the patter of rain drops on the water and the mystical beauty of the misty river. When we pulled up to the platform we were in for another treat. What a gem! This was no ordinary chickee [the original canoe camping platforms built on the Everglades Trail]. Some of us had participated in building Barred Owl Roost and Beaver Lodge, the first 2 platforms, and it was apparent that the platform design had since evolved.

The dock led to a beautiful boardwalk which wound through the lush undergrowth, past a very cool privy to a sturdy platform that appeared to have grown amongst the trees. Were Hobbits nearby? We lashed a couple tarps to the poles around the platform to set up a dinner canopy and then whipped up some gourmet mac & cheese & tuna… pretty tasty when served with a bottle of wine and the music of barred owls! Mosquitoes?… only a few around dusk and then they were gone for the rest of the evening. The next day we had a nice long paddle (5 hours?) down the Cashie River to the Roanoke River and then across to Conaby Creek to Royal Fern platform. This platform was even more remote and beautiful than Lost Boat. From the looks of the online reservation calendar it looks like not many people have discovered it yet, but it was worth the trip. For other paddlers that are going out in the rain, we recommend bringing a large tarp (15’x 20′) and rope for the platform, and a small tarp (6×8′) to throw over the privy. We’ll be back!
Happy Paddling from the Swamp Crew!- MK & Marc (NC), Mavis & Jamey (MD), & John (NY)