I want to give thanks to everyone who has made these canoe trails possible. Four of us made the trip in May from Jamesville to Bear Run platform and out at the lighthouse in Plymouth on the Roanoke River. With one substitution, we paddled this first weekend in November from Windsor to Lost Boat platform and out at Sans Souci (without worry) on the Cashie River. Both were most enjoyable and the different seasons made for different experiences.

The cypress swamp that lines the Roanoke reminds me of a mangrove swamp, almost (see photo at left). We spotted several species of duck and listened to the Barred Owls call to one another across the river. It was a hot day, and drifting at lunch we found that the Coronas never tasted better. The camp platform had plenty of room (see photo above). After camp was set up, we paddled across the Roanoke to the channel and had a swim to cool off.

The Cashie was different in that it was narrower and most of the leaves had fallen. This gave a good view of the birds as they took roost and observed us observe them. We saw the largest Great Blue Heron that any of us could recall, numerous ducks and cormorants and about a dozen wild turkeys around the bend from Lost Boat platform. There was still enough autumn color to reflect off of the still water to create a pretty landscape. A few times in the distance we could hear the hunting dogs and the pop of shotguns, but never close to the river. And after dark, unfortunately way too early this time of year, we lay on our backs and observed the Milky Way, shooting stars and even spotted a couple of satellites moving across the sky (and I don’t mean the ones with the flashing red and green lights!).
Thanks for the work that goes into making these platforms and walkways open for everyone to enjoy. It really opens up an area that was lost to those who like to turn off the TV and radio and enjoy some quiet.
Brian M. (Ph.D)
Greenville, NC